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Waste bins parked on pavement

Reported via desktop in the Complaint category anonymously at 14:58, Thursday 9 January 2025

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6957393.

This relates to: en/ property/ heathrow-stays/ reviews.html#reviews This is a hotel business which cannot maintain cleanliness of the front yard. As I passed there yesterday around 12.00 noon I found 2 rubbish bins parked one in front of the other on the pavement near the kerb and a whole lot of rubbish strewn in the yard. It so happens this week is the turn for garden waste so the rubbish bins should not be left at the front of the property till next week. Could the property owner be given a strong warning to maintain cleanliness of the yard and to leave bins on the property premises on the collection day only and not on the pavement.

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    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 11:17, Monday

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