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Rosemary Avenue just outside old boots delivery point

Reported via mobile in the Complaint category anonymously at 09:07, Saturday 30 November 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6802550.

These two large bins have been put on the pavement and a huge obstruction to pedestrians. It’s hard for people to walk past, with elderly and mothers with pushchairs having to use the middle of the road which is completely unacceptable and dangerous! Not only this, it has encouraged people to fly tip with the stench from the smell reaching the end of the road and even onto Francis Road. There is constantly rotten meat, food from takeaways and beer bottles among other things that now litter the area permanently. This means there is a horrible smell and a path of rubbish that leads all the way from those bins to the entrance of the old Boots. This is not okay for a neighbourhood where children, the elderly and people commuting to work in the morning have to risk walking in the middle of the street to avoid these bins! The encouragement of anti social behaviour has increased because of these bins, which is horrible for an area with so many families. Please place them somewhere else!

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