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Outside property number 35 Wellington Ave

Reported via desktop in the Uneven footway category anonymously at 15:52, Thursday 28 November 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6797212.

There is a very big and old tree outside this property - the roots of this tree are so big that they have pushed up the paving slabs at this location, so much so there are large gaps. There are also loose paving slabs which are unsafe and will cause great harm should a member of the public trip on them or indeed if their foot gets trapped in between the paving slabs.

In addition to this the roots of this tree are encroaching into the driveway of number 35 and have lifted the concrete - and this tree is in fact growing right in the middle of the entrance of the drive/splitting the drive into two..

This needs to be fixed and the tree assessed as a matter of urgency before someone gets really hurt.

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  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 15:24, Friday 29 November 2024

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