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Boston Park Road

Reported via mobile in the Complaint category anonymously at 12:15, Thursday 7 November 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6705331.


I would like to make a complaint in relation to the Hounslow highways employee in the images below. I also have a video recording of this matter. I have never ever had an issue with this employee however he has far too many times come in close contact with my vehicle while doing his job. This is a concern for me as I do not want any damage to occur to my vehicle because of the items that are sticking out of the bin. I would like to request if you could kindly ask the cleaner to stay away from the vehicle and the tires and avoid picking up rubbish around my car and focus on areas where it’s easy to be obtained this way no contact will be made to my car and I wouldn’t feel distressed about the situation. Further to this, it would be great if you could stay away from the car when manoeuvering his equipment leaving a larger gap than he has these images. Thank you

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