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Dawes avenue worple road junction

Reported via desktop in the Weeds on roads or footpaths category anonymously at 13:35, Friday 13 September 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6468677.

There is a ridiculous amount of weeds and overgrown greenery that needs removing urgently. On the corner of Dawes Ave, going down towards 35 daws ave. This is over the property boundary line and on hounslow highways footpaths. This is causing a health and safety risk, smell pollution and also an attraction for rodents, dog fouling, fox fouling and littering. These urgently need to be removed as it has been reported numerous times and no action taken. There has been no evidence of street cleaners or Hounslow Highways removing these weeds for the last year despite it being on a Hounslow Highway footpath. Picture clearly indicate the obstruction and inconvenience this is causing.

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  • No update given for street cleaning.

    Posted anonymously at 14:52, Thursday 28 November 2024

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