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By the river fence

Reported via mobile in the Parking/ congestion category anonymously at 11:12, Wed 7 August 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6326798.

No parking /double lines were painted a few weeks ago (after 4 years of waiting).


A) a pile of dirt/rubbish was in the way and, rather than remove it, the team left the lines not going all the way - see photo

B) it’s not achieved the desired effect as the lines were meant to go all the way into the triangle (photo) to prevent parking and enable the Houslow council street cleaning which had not happened in 4 years due to car parked in that corner. This continues as the lines are not adequate. And the corner continues not to be accessible for cleaning and is regularly used as a dump and a toilet!

Please confirm how soon the lines can be extended all the way which would have been the original plan.

Thank you

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  • This is still causing an ongoing issue. Please provide an approximate timeline when the yellow lines will be sorted. Thank you

    Posted anonymously at 09:11, Fri 16 August 2024

  • Hounslow cleaning team still unable to access. Please confirm when the double yellow lines will be extended to the wall and into the triangle.

    Thank you!

    Posted anonymously at 09:09, Fri 6 September 2024

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