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Sand & stone spillage from delivery lorries

Reported via Android in the Spillage on network category anonymously at 12:34, Thu 1 August 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6303175.

We, the residents of walnut tree road face a lot of problems with sand and stone spillages from lorries delivering aggregates to Western builder merchants on our street. This has lead to dust inside our houses. The builder merchants get loose sand delivered for more profits, and it creates a whole mess inside and outside their premises. (A responsible business would order bagged aggregates to avoid all this mess. It has also lead to build up of sand deposits all along the kerbside on whole street. Previous meetings with the council were a mere formalities as we had no positive outcome.

Also to mention the long articulated lorries blocking the whole street while reversing dangerously whole stretch on a residential street with no safety measures in place.

Hope the council representatives wake up and sort this mess out

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    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 09:08, Tue 22 October 2024

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