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Pavement slabs an even above each other.
Reported via iOS in the Kerb not flush / no tactile paving category anonymously at 17:25, Thu 25 July 2024
Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6276497.
Pavement slabs rising dangerously/an even above each other. Some kind of fixing was preformed today outside 69 Spring Grove Road. Unfortunately it was not done up to a professional standard as you always perform, and this time someone from your team simply let your whole team down. Would you please come and check and if you look at the picture where I have marked slabs 1,2,3,4 to be properly adjusted, I assume as I “zero point” you could take slab below slab N4 or man hall cover between N1 and N4. Thank you Sincerely Mr Yev
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