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Queens Road Tw135aw diverted traffic

Reported via mobile in the Works crew - way of working category anonymously at 11:49, Fri 12 July 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6221841.

Diversion in place queens road Tw135aw. Can you please tell me who's idea it is to divert all traffic down queens road Tw135aw due to works on hanworth road outside the old magistrates court.this road is very small and congested with double parked cars and hgvs cannot get through and causing residents alot of stress as cars are going to get damaged there have even been articulated hgvs trying to get down here where it is just impossible. And can you also tell me will you be responsible for any damage that is caused to parked cars due to your road works await your reply. telephone 07817751014

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    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 08:40, Mon 15 July 2024

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