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Towards to begining of vincent road near the brick wall of 18 eversley cresent

Reported via desktop in the Uneven footway category anonymously at 14:52, Wednesday 1 May 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5921428.

Further to all our previous photos. There has been no remidial work or action that has been taken. The situation is getting worse - the roots of the tree have up rooted and infiltred beneath the pavment as a result the pavment is extremeley uneven and cracked which is dangerous to the public. Especially the elderley and children. My child has already tripped up in this area. We are also concered the uprooting is directed towards the brick wall of 18 eversley cresent and concered about damage to this wall. Given the potential risks associated with this situation including saftey hazards and strucatal damage . I kindly request your assits in adressing this matter promtley. Please note if the wall is damaged it will not be a wear and tear issue it will be becuase of the uprooting of the tree .

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