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Hospital car park exit

Reported via desktop in the Development Proposal/ advice category anonymously at 17:41, Fri 9 February 2024

Sent to Hounslow Highways 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5555696.

The cars going left significantly delayed southward traffic in the area. The restriction has been painted on the road some time ago that penalizes straight heading drivers and that in result leats to complete chaos from the left turning motorists that just jump from all directions. Today I was waiting at the bus stop and witnessed couple of ambulances and busses being blocked by left heading traffic. I also have a video of a vehicle blocking the bus and almost leading to a crash He was pretending to be going right and then jumped left just as another vehicle in front of him positioned itself to be going left. It is extremely dangerous and I think it is one of the biggest culprit for standstill traffic in the area. Especially that there are to exits form the hospital car park. I was observing while waiting for a bus, for about 10 minutes none of the straight heading vehicles could make progress due to cars turning left constantly pushing themselves in. Perhaps someone responsible for road design could find a way to regulate exits form the hospital . Maybe only ambulances should be allowed to use both exits and the private vehicles should only use the exit that is down the road. I would strongly suggest to instal some temporary monitoring in the area and try to identify the solution. The constant stand still traffic is getting worse and worse for us the residents of the area

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    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 10:51, Thu 15 February 2024

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