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Inconsiderate Driving

Reported via mobile in the Complaint category anonymously at 08:04, Tue 12 December 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5309306.

The driver of this vehicle was driving at speed (should be 20mph zone) down St John’s road in the direction of Hounslow. I was walking the dog on the pavement alongside. A large wide puddle spread out across the road and the driver did not slow down or move out slightly despite the road being clear and me being close to the puddle resulting in me getting absolutely drenched as he drove into it up my legs and back which has soaked my clothing with brown dirty puddle water. I caught up with him parked up here and complained . Though he apologised he was trying to say it wasn’t him, smirking. It was him I had followed him up and had been able to see the flashing lights. This is rude and inconsiderate driving that takes no care for other users. I now have to go to work soaked and dirty. I have a photo of the driver

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