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Syon Park Gardens public garden

Reported via iOS in the Complaint category anonymously at 16:06, Mon 27 November 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5258128.

For some years some residents and I took charge of this garden. We brought the plants, we’ve done the weeds and every single week pick up all the litter that the council teams refuse to clean.Just some days ago I’ve transplanted from my own garden forget-me-not, ears lambs, aquilegias, roses, chrisantemums (all destroyed now) and left the perennials there to wilt as it’s the right thing to do for the wildlife to winter on. Exactly like last year Your team came and ripped everything leaving the rubbish behind. I was promised bark chips and daffodils for this area years ago and was never delivered. We maintain this garden with our own plants and time . I’m done and won’t loose my time and money again. You make fun of volunteering work and it stops now.

Catia Silva 77 TW7 5NF

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