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Back Lane TW8

Reported via desktop in the Complaint category anonymously at 11:16, Fri 10 November 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5196294.

Dangerous actions of Gavigan Paving Contractor working on Behalf of Hounslow Highways - 10/11/23

I am writing to complain and seek action following the very dangerous actions of a forklift driver outside my school (at drop off time this morning on Back Lane TW8 - operating in the parking bay that outside the old Police station that has been requisitioned to use to store paving construction materials).

One of my primary school gates is opposite this parking bay on Back Lane. We open the gates at 8:45-8:55am and 3:25-3:40pm, to permit our 7,8,9 year old pupils entrance to the school.

This morning, during school drop of time, as you will see from the pictures attached, a Gavigan paving contractor (wearing a Hounslow Highways hard hat) drove a large forklift vehicle at speed up Back Lane. He then manoeuvred his vehicle to enable him to lift a pallet of materials at 90 decrees. In order to complete this manoeuvre, he mounted the pavement right next to the school gate. At this time the pavement was crowded with parents, children and buggies. As soon as I saw it I went and spoke to the driver. He showed no regard for the safety of the children and argued that he was driving safely. He maintained that he hadn't mounted the pavement. I pointed out that his cab is high off the ground and his wheels are larger than most of the children - that he cannot safely manoeuvre his forklift whilst the pavement is so crowded.

This parking bay cannot be safely accessed at the times that the school gate is in operation. I would have thought that the council would have a condition to this effect in place in the construction schedule.

I was directed to his manager. I spoke to the manager that told me it was alright as he had a banksman. He pointed out another employee who was walking towards the forklift and had not been present when the vehicle mounted the pavement.

I have no confidence that any of the operatives I spoke to this morning recognised the danger of their actio

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