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Overgrown hedge blocking street light and road

Reported via desktop in the Hedge causing obstruction category anonymously at 11:18, Tue 19 September 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5009216.

The hedge on Stamford Brook Gardens has not been cut for over a year now. It is severely overgrown and is blocking access to our properties. The residents had to result to trimming overgrown branches and dangerously prickly bramble bushes. The street light is completely blocked which makes the road unsafe at night. Urgent action is needed.

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  • State changed to: Closed

    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 08:15, Thu 21 September 2023

  • The issue is not Stamford Brook Gardens Road but the green next to it. The hedge which is on the green is blocking the road and street light.

    The hedge is part of the area marked in light green on your map, which is maintained by Hounslow. In the past both grass and hedge were cut regularly but in recent years only grass is cut and the hedge has been abandoned.

    Please speak to Lance Cousins who now works with you and who was in charge of cutting the hedge last time which was over a year ago.

    Regards, Beata

    Posted anonymously at 09:46, Thu 21 September 2023

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