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Weeds out of control in Silverhall Street

Reported via desktop in the Weeds on roads or footpaths category anonymously at 09:15, Thu 3 August 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4854051.

Huge amounts of overgrown weeds and grass vegetation growing on Silverhall Street. The weeds are encroaching on drains and blocking rain water from escaping and growing underneath paving stones which will be dislodged. The situation is getting worse due to the excessive rain fall. Apart from anything else, the street looks shabby and extremely untidy which is demotivating for residents trying to make the area look nice by looking after their properties.

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  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 09:27, Fri 4 August 2023

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