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No notice given to residents for planned street cleaning in Whitestile Road on 28.07.23. hn Whitestile Rd

Reported via mobile in the Timing of proposed works category anonymously at 13:32, Tue 25 July 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4823751.

I have found out by chance today, that deep street cleaning will take place in Whitestile Road on Friday 27th July: it is Tuesday 25th. Vehicles will need to be removed. There are no information/warning notices in the street; there has been nothing in the post. None of my neighbours are aware that this is going to take place and that they will receive parking fines if their vehicles remain in the road after 8am. When were we going to be informed? The night before? The fines will be tantamount to stealing from residents who have been kept in ignorance of what is going to take place in three days time. Certainly the gutters and drains need cleaning because the road floods after heavy rainfall - but residents deserve and require better treatment from this department of their council.

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