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Crashed car blocking the pavement for over a month

Reported via mobile in the Obstruction on public right of way category by Richard Phillips at 07:33, Tue 20 June 2023

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4692739.


When is the crashed car that over a month ago was left on the pavement, being moved. Apart from blocking the pavement, it has sharp edges of broken metal and plastic since it crashed against a resident's wall. It is blocking the pedestrian walkway and I cant believe it is still there. Added to that it is a real eyesore. PLease get it removed ASAP.

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  • State changed to: Action scheduled

    Updated by Hounslow Highways at 09:18, Mon 26 June 2023

  • Still nothing done after more than two months. The council kindly added a cycle hire bay but still haven't done anything to remove this crashed vehicle. If you are providing an update such as 'Action Scheduled', why cant you provide a date also please?

    Please remove ASAP

    Thanks, R

    Posted by Richard Phillips at 13:47, Fri 30 June 2023

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