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Obstruction to the road on Byward Avenue

Reported via desktop in the Road obstruction category anonymously at 12:06, Mon 22 August 2022

Sent to Hounslow Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3772116.

The resident on number 9 Byward Avenue is obstruction the pavement with his van, the van is currently is overhanging on the pavement. He also has parked his trailer caravan on the beginning of the Byward Avenue, as you pull in from Hounslow Road.

This caravan is so big it is causing a health and safety hazard, no ambulance, fire truck or recycling crew are not able to fill out their due diligence. Can someone please come out asap and see this before his moved this van again?

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  • This car BMW 330 has been standing for 5 weeks, it is not clear who should be checked, where the owners live, why is it left unused on our street

    Posted anonymously at 14:08, Mon 26 December 2022

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